
Founding Fathers
The New Paper
Singapore: Straits Times Press, 2015
ISBN: 9789814642156

Founding Fathers, which was previously published in a box set of 10 individual titles, will be published into a single volume. This latest edition features up-to-date information on the 10 men whose hard work, persistence and dedication built the foundation for Singapore to develop into a successful metropolis.

Each chapter has:
  • the story of one Singapore founder and his contribution in the endeavour 
  • details on his growing-up days 
  • surprising things we never knew about the man 
  • what others say about him 
  • snapshots linking the past to present-day context 
  • rarely seen pictures from family archives
Fifteen reporters from The New Paper worked for more than a year on this publication, interviewing people, distilling chunks of old news archives and trawling through information to bring readers the most significant, accurate and concise information on the 10 notable Singaporeans and their journey in building Singapore.

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