
A Village Remembered: Kampong Radin Mas, 1800s-1973
Ibrahim Tahir (ed.)
Singapore: OPUS Editorial Private Limited, 2013.
ISBN: 9789810756949

This title records the memories of the residents who were resettled from Kampong Radin Mas in 1973. Kampong Radin Mas produced many illustrious members of the Malay community, such as Othman Wok, Singapore's Minister of Social Affairs from 1963 to 1977; food consultant Aziza Ali; and former Members of Parliament Sidek Saniff and Wan Hussin Zoohri. Famous alumni of Radin Mas School include artist Ong Kim Seng.

This book aims to bring a sense of history to a new generation of younger Singaporeans. It explores what life was like in the kampong – the spirit of gotong royong that had the villagers rallying to help one another; traditional cultural practices now largely forgotten; and the happy times shared by village folk in a simpler age.

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