
Arts Hats in Renaissance City: Reflections & Aspirations of Arts Personalities
Renee Lee (ed.)
Singapore: World Scientific, 2015
ISBN: 9789814630771

Arts Hats in Renaissance City is an anthology of the personal reflections and aspirations of four generations in the new creative ecostructure in Singapore -- from those who help formulate policies to that of the individual artists, who have helped develop and build an exciting arts and culture scene from scratch and into a viable economic model. As evidenced by the professions in this anthology, the scope of work within the arts and culture sector is diverse, from backgrounds such as history, communications, management, economics, law, science, arts, psychology and entertainment.

Beyond theory, the anthology offers an authentic voice of real and lived experiences of the go-to people, their personal role in heritage development, and their thoughts and insights on our, albeit developing, arts scene since independence.

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